S&P 500 ^GSPC 5,187.67 +0.00%
Tesla TSLA $174.72 -1.74%
Alphabet GOOG $171.16 -1.05%
Meta META $472.60 +0.93%
Amazon AMZN $188.00 -0.40%
Microsoft MSFT $410.54 +0.29%
Apple AAPL $182.74 +0.19%
Nvidia NVDA $904.12 -0.16%

Let's play a game! Build a dividend empire. 🤑🤑🤑

Which 5 companies will be in your portfolio? Let me know. 💪👇

🌐 $V+0.3%
🧰 $DE+0.0%
🥤 $KO+0.4%
🛠️ $HD-0.5%
🚬 $PM+0.7%
💳 $MA+0.4%
💨 $MO+1.0%
😷 $JNJ+0.2%
🚜 $CAT-0.1%
🛍️ $TGT-0.5%
💰 $JPM+2.0%
🏦 $BAC-0.3%
🚂 $UNP+1.5%
🛢️ $CVX+0.1%
🏡 $LOW+0.3%
⛽️ $XOM+0.0%
🍔 $MCD+0.4%
🛒 $WMT-0.5%
🍎 $AAPL+0.2%
🖥️ $MSFT+0.3%
🦺 $MMM+0.8%
🧪 $ABBV-1.3%
📡 $AVGO+1.7%



So here I would choose $ABBV-1.3% $MSFT+0.3% $AAPL+0.2% possibly $V+0.3% or $JNJ+0.2%. for me companies that definitely do not disappoint.

I have to admit it's a tough choice for me, but I'd probably choose $MO+1.0%, $MMM+0.8%, $JNJ+0.2%, $MCD+0.4% and lastly $JPM+2.0%.

For me $MSFT+0.3% $MCD+0.4% $JNJ+0.2% $MMM+0.8% $HD-0.5% wouldn't be all bad... Yes instead of MSFT it may fit Apple but I was taking it into the future through the fact that MSFT will be a pretty big player with AI and we don't know anything about Apple yet through AI... So the advantage for me is more MSFT.. :) From a dividend perspective it's obviously not going to be who knows what percentage and earnings, but then again it's also pretty defensive it's defacto from every sector a little bit... :)