$NFLX-0.4% vs $DIS+0.8% vs $WBD+4.0%

These are the three biggest streaming platforms that have been competing quite a bit in recent years.

While$WBD+4.0% competes with Netflix and Disney, I don't like the stock of this company at all. Over its entire history, the stock has been in the negative, which is not pretty at all, and it pays no dividend. Thus, I don't see much potential with this company and I don't think the stock price will change much anymore.

$8.31 $0.32 +4.00%
Capital Structure
Market Cap
Enterpr. Val.

However, Netflix and Disney stock are definitely more interesting already. Netflix stock is up over 40% this year and Disney stock is up something like 1% this year.



$631.37 -$2.72 -0.43%


$89.93 $0.72 +0.81%

I've been buying DIS stock recently as I currently find it undervalued, however, I probably see more potential in NFLX and the share price growth is relatively higher as well. But I would want to buy Netflix stock at a lower price.

And how do you view Netflix and Disney and which company do you like better?

Such a thought from the recesses of my cerebral cortex... What if someone bought $WBD+4.0%? Like the whole company, not the stock. What do you think?

"While$WBD+4.0% competes with Netflix and Disney, I don't like the company's stock at all. Over its entire history, the stock has been in the negative, which is not pretty at all, and it pays no dividend."

Disney (+ Netflix) also pays no dividend, and even if they announce a renewal, it will be a meaningless yield that is only to encourage buying a fund that will include them back in the index with divi. As a shareholder, I don't think this is a good move. They've racked up debt and streaming isn't making money, boats are going to eat up a lot of money, overpriced hotels are closing, and they're going to have higher taxes in Florida because of woke. It's going to cost a lot of money before this segment settles down.

WBD has taken a significant debt from ATT, which they need to bring down to a manageable level and then they will see a shift in EPS and thus price. All of these companies have to spend a lot of money on new content and right now I think HBO has the best quality content of the three, but that's subjective. It's expected to grow quite a bit because the company is currently in a completely different state than what you see on the historical chart and I wouldn't be surprised if it beats the rest of them in performance in 2-3 years.

I've got it bought at $91 $DIS+0.8% and I'll see where it goes if I buy it. I trust them and I like them, but I agree it's a shame about the stream, because $NFLX-0.4% is going. But 🚀 It's also on me runway already. I was expecting it to go down, but exactly, despite the cancellation of sharing so users came in. There's not much there now. But there will be another series of The Conjuring again and then Wednesday was a big hit too. Also Strange things...

I'm here for Netflix and Disney, with the caveat that Netflix probably has a better launching pad given its position and notoriety.

I'm quite struck by the weakness of content on the Disney platform, even though I know that the company is more complex and not just based on streaming. It definitely needs work in that regard to retain subscribers.

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