If you were to create a portfolio in the current situation would it contain more dividend stocks or even now that most tech giants are reaching their ATH would you discard them in your portfolio?

I am thinking of buying but not sure how to decide whether more dividend stocks or tech security for long term.

If I were to create a portfolio in the current situation, I would do an analysis of several companies. Then I would pick some stocks that I like and meet certain criteria ( some of the criteria have been written here in the comments ). Then I would calculate the intrinsic price of the stock and make a decision based on the fair price. But to answer the question :D. Currently I would focus more on the more stable and dividend stocks like $CVS+4.0%, $BTI+1.2%, $MO+1.3% and lately there are some pretty hammered REITs like $O+1.2%. Of course I would include some tech stocks in there too, like $GOOGL-0.2% and $AMZN+1.5%. For me, those two big tech stocks are still at a pretty nice price.

Agreeing with all the comments, I'm no guru, it's been a year in stock investing now in August, but still, I try to buy companies that I can find out what they do, if they have a competitive advantage in something maybe. And then keep it diversified, both big tech but also dividend stocks. 😊

Above all, I would like to have quality companies there at a fair price that I know something about;)

For the long term I would definitely balance it classically. I would mix both technology, stable companies and dividend stocks. A couple of smaller asymmetric investments at the end.

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