S&P 500 ^GSPC 5,064.2 +0.91%
Nvidia NVDA $858.11 +3.34%
Amazon AMZN $184.72 +3.20%
Apple AAPL $173.03 +2.20%
Alphabet GOOG $168.46 +1.75%
Microsoft MSFT $397.84 +0.73%
Meta META $441.68 +0.57%
Tesla TSLA $180.02 +0.02%

I'm holding and not buying anymore. I have a similar purchase, so I'm satisfied, but I don't want to buy more.

Yeah, I get it :D

I got burned on Disney, so I sold the position at a slight profit and reinvested.

Great :)

Thanks :)

I'm currently holding and not buying any more.

Great :)