A revolution in the tobacco industry: The story of Philip Morris' Zyn

Zyn, a brand of flavoured nicotine sachets, is the latest product to be launched by tobacco giant Philip Morris International in response to efforts by governments around the world to curb the tobacco industry. Despite the fact that Zyn does not contain tobacco, its popularity continues to grow thanks to its approach to nicotine addiction.

Tobacco-free nicotine

Zyn is offered in small, round boxes that resemble mints. These white sachets, similar in size to chewing gum, deliver more nicotine directly into the bloodstream than a conventional cigarette. Unlike traditional chewing tobacco, there is no need to chew the pouches or spit out the accumulated juice.

The smokeless trend

Zyn's popularity is growing due to its convenience and unobtrusiveness. The brand is often presented as a healthier alternative to smoking, supported by massive online advertising. This marketing strategy reflects a broader trend where tobacco companies are diversifying their business models to focus on tobacco-free products such as e-cigarettes, nicotine gum and inhalers. Researchers call this phenomenon the 'pharmaceuticalisation' of the tobacco industry.

Stylish marketing

Zyn's ads are similar to those for many other lifestyle products. With a simple blue and white design, they emphasize convenience, different flavors and the ability to use them in different situations. "Simple. Unobtrusive. Satisfying," proclaims one online ad, where Zyn boxes are shown next to a person working on a laptop. This elegant marketing approach has contributed greatly to the brand's popularity.

Rapid growth

Zyn was market tested in 2014 and launched nationally in 2019. Since then, it has become the leading product in the nicotine pouch market. In 2023, U.S. shipments of Zyn reached 385 million packs, a 62% increase from the previous year. Shipments are expected to increase another 35% this year.

$119.74 -$1.22 -1.01%

Zynfluencers and social media

Zyn's marketing strategies include working with influencers, known as "Zynfluencers." These users, often young men on platforms such as TikTok, contribute significantly to the popularity of the product. For example, a video of popular social media personality Nelk Boys gifting right-wing commentator Tucker Carlson a giant box of Zyn has received more than 9 million views.

Investing in the future

To meet growing demand, Philip Morris $PM-1.0% Internationalannounced a $600 million investment in a new manufacturing plant in Colorado. This factory is designed to increase production and ensure product availability despite high demand.

Health aspects and controversies

Many health experts claim that nicotine sachets are a safer alternative to smoking or chewing tobacco because they do not contain cancer-causing chemicals. However, nicotine addiction can cause anxiety, irritability, and other health problems. Long-term use may therefore be associated with cardiovascular disease and other health risks.

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