The future of Ozempic prices: Will diabetes treatment become cheaper in the US?

Novo Nordisk has been in the spotlight for its drugs Ozempic and Wegova, which have become a phenomenon in the field of diabetes and obesity treatment. Ozempic is now expected to be added to the list of drugs subject to price reduction negotiations in the United States within a year. This fact opens questions about future pricing policy and market impact.

Ozempic on the price negotiation list

Novo Nordisk $NVO-2.8%'s CEO , Lars Fruergaard Jorgensen, said in written testimony that Ozempic will be eligible for price negotiations with the U.S. government under the Medicare program in 2027. The move comes as a result of legislation called the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, which allows for price reductions on expensive drugs for millions of U.S. seniors and people with disabilities. The official list of drugs slated for price negotiations is expected to be released in February 2025.

This confirms earlier estimates by analysts and company executives, who mentioned at an industry conference last week that Ozempic was likely to be on the list of drugs to be price-negotiated. This is a significant move given that the price of a monthly dose of Ozempic is $935.77 in the US, while Wegovy, its sister drug for obesity, costs $1,349.02.

$120.76 -$3.54 -2.85%

Regulation and impact on drug prices

One of the main reasons for the inclusion of Ozempic and other expensive drugs in pricing negotiations is the government's desire to reduce drug costs for patients who depend on Medicare. The latter covers millions of Americans over the age of 65 and other disabled citizens. The United States has long faced criticism over high drug prices, especially compared to other developed countries where drug prices are often much lower.

In his testimony, Jorgensen stated that although the nominal price of Ozempic is high, the actual price received by Novo Nordisk has decreased by approximately 40 percent since its launch in the U.S. A similar trend can be seen with Wega, whose net price has decreased since its launch three years ago.

Future price development

Despite criticism about high prices, prices for these two flagship Novo Nordisk products are expected to continue to fall. Jorgensen indicated that the company expects the net prices of Ozempic and Wegova to fall further, which could have a positive impact on patients who depend on these drugs. The price drop could also reduce pressure from U.S. lawmakers and regulators who have long advocated for lower healthcare costs.

Challenges and opportunities for Novo Nordisk

For Novo Nordisk, however, price negotiations present both challenges and opportunities. On the one hand, there may be downward pressure on profits, but on the other hand, lower prices may open the door to a wider number of patients, which could mean an increase in market share. The company will need to focus on optimising production and distribution efficiency to remain competitive in the market.

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Source: CNBC, Reuters, Yahoo.

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