A little-known AI stock that may be far superior to both $TSLA-0.2% and $NVDA+0.7%. And NOBODY is talking about it. We are now talking about Symbotic $SYM+2.5%, which has appreciated 261% and 392% since November!

$38.80 $0.96 +2.54%
Capital Structure
Market Cap
Enterpr. Val.

Symbotic $SYM+2.5% is not some small company. It's a $25.7 billion company. After its huge run in 2023, SYM is the best performing large-cap stock in 2023!

Symbotic $SYM+2.5% is a pioneer in robotics and computervision. It has brought more than 275 patents to the industry and filed more than 500 patents. Its main product is a system of AI machines that move warehouses quickly (up to 25 mph) to automate supply chains.

$SYM+2.5% has partnered with the largest retailer in the world. In 2021, Walmart $WMT-0.3% partnered with Symbotic to bring its warehouse robotics to 25 of its distribution centers. A year later, WMT doubled down on its partnership, bringing SYM systems to all 42 of its regional centers in the U.S.

Symbotic has everything everyday investors could want in a stock. It's at the forefront of a new, exciting industry. It has big league partnerships and AI hype on its side.

Symbotic $SYM+2.5% has the makings of a great company. Its products solve big problems. It's growing like crazy and last quarter grew revenue 177%.

Anyone here following this company too?

I'm not familiar with the company, but it looks interesting and thanks for the tip. From what I read, the company's stock has only recently gone public, so I personally would be afraid to start investing in this company yet.

They are the best known and most traded stocks. And they've been rising a lot since the beginning of the year. They're mentioned everywhere. For those who don't look elsewhere, the other stocks are hidden.

Os IPO it's actually only growing because the market is helping it. I wouldn't do anything here yet.

It's too early for me. Not too long ago the stock went public and now the hype around AI is driving it. I'd wait for the sobering up.

Interesting, but it's still uninvestable at the moment, the stock is inflating and it seems to me that it's not in profit yet.

I don't know the company, but I'll probably take a look at it although it probably won't be a buy since it was part of the 300% rally. I like these "noname" companies that others overlook.

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