S&P 500 ^GSPC 5,303.27 +0.12%
Nvidia NVDA $924.79 -1.99%
Tesla TSLA $177.58 +1.57%
Alphabet GOOG $177.29 +1.06%
Amazon AMZN $184.70 +0.58%
Meta META $471.91 -0.28%
Microsoft MSFT $420.21 -0.19%
Apple AAPL $189.87 +0.02%

Shares of $MRNA+0.2% rose more than 8% yesterday after Jefferies analysts offered positive comments. Overall, I don't entirely like this sector, but I do have $PFE-1.0% stock in my portfolio-1.0%😁.

Do you have $MRNA+0.2%stock in your portfolio and if so, at what price are you overbought?

$132.90 $0.22 +0.17%

Yes, I always buy under $100 at the beginning of the year and the plan is to keep buying until the end of the year. Only if it goes on like this I will have to rethink the maximum purchase 😉 As I have written several times mRNA technology is one of the most important discoveries.

Great, I can't really judge the price, but lately I like MRNA more than PFE in terms of attitude and discharge.

PFE is a wide-ranging giant (whale) MRNA is unilaterally focused (pike) Both have theoretical advantages and disadvantages. Keeping both? I might still consider it. 🤔

@cliffordbarclay agree, maybe that's why I'm starting to like MRNA more.