3 stocks that earn Buffett over $2 billion a year

Warren Buffett, known for his wise investment strategy, earns more than $2 billion a year through dividends from three key stocks. This income represents a significant portion of the profits of his company, Berkshire Hathaway. These dividends come from companies that are not only leaders in their industries, but also have a long history of steady and growing dividend payments.

What all three companies have in common is that they continually invest in innovation and sustainable development, which increases their competitiveness and ensures their long-term growth. These stocks also offer Buffett the potential for capital growth, which may make them even more appealing to investors.

Kraft-Heinz $KHC+0.2%

Kraft-Heinz, one of the largest companies in the consumer commodities, is known for its solid financial performance and strong position. In 2023, the company reported sales of $26.6 billion, which is moderate growth from the previous year. Kraft-Heinz is also a prominent player in product innovation, allowing it to maintain loyalty and respond to changing consumer preferences.

$33.36 $0.07 +0.21%
Fair Price: $26.59
Ymabrw: 99.56%
Dostupné pouze členům Bulios Black

Kraft-Heinz is known for its regular dividend policy, which attracts many investors looking for stable income. In recent years, the company has paid dividends with an annual yield of of over 4%which is above the industry average. This may make Kraft-Heinz an attractive investment target, especially for those seeking security in their investments in uncertain economic times.

$33.36 $0.07 +0.21%
Target Price
43.75 (+31.15% Upside)

Kraft-Heinz is continuously investing in the development of its product portfolio and in the efficiency of its operations. Recent investments in Automation of production processes and the digitization of the supply chain are enabling the company to reduce costs and increase margins. This strategy is key to ensuring long-term growth and maintaining a competitive advantage in the rapidly changing food and beverage industry.

Coca-Cola $KO+1.5%

Coca-Cola, an icon among beverage companies, maintains a strong position in the global marketplace through its extensive distribution network and broad product portfolio. In 2023, the company recorded revenues of approximately $45 billion, representing an increase of 7% from the previous year. This growth was mainly driven by increased consumption in the soft drinks segment.

$67.05 $0.98 +1.48%
Fair Price: $11.90
Rvqtlvhg: 30.76%
Dostupné pouze členům Bulios Black

The company is one of the so-called "Dividend Aristocrats"which are companies that not only pay dividends, but also increase them every year for more than 25 years in a row. In 2024, the dividend yield is 3%, underscoring its commitment to returning value to its shareholders. As part of its sustainability strategy, Coca-Cola invests in innovations to reduce its environmental impact while improving the efficiency of its production processes.

$67.05 $0.98 +1.48%
Target Price
72.57 (+8.23% Upside)

The company is focusing on improving packaging materials and increasing the share of recycled materials in its products. These steps not only support its green initiatives, but also strengthen its market position by responding to growing consumer demand for more environmentally friendly products.

Chevron $CVX+0.2%

Chevron, one of the world's leading Energy company, maintains a strong position through its extensive oil and gas operations. In 2023, Chevron reported revenues of $197 billion, representing significant down significantly from 236 This decline was mainly due to lower realizations in "upstream"which impacted oil and gas revenues.



$157.84 $0.30 +0.19%
Fair Price: $691.74
Ldcgmv: 33.44%
Dostupné pouze členům Bulios Black

Chevron is known for its strong dividend policy, which may make the company attractive to investors seeking long-term returns. Chevron has been paying dividends for for more than 100 years. and in recent years has delivered a dividend yield 4 %. This allows shareholders to benefit from regular and predictable income, which increases investor interest in the company's stock even in times of market uncertainty.



$157.84 $0.30 +0.19%
Target Price
173.67 (+10.03% Upside)

In response to global pressure to reduce emissions and transition to a cleaner energy economy, Chevron is investing in renewable energy and sustainability projects. The company has announced plans to increase its spending on low-carbon technologies to $10 billion by 2028.. This strategy not only responds to the changing regulatory environment, but also better positions Chevron for future growth as part of the energy transition.

Disclaimer: You will find a lot of inspiration on Bulios, but stock selection and portfolio construction is up to you, so always do a thorough analysis of your own.


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