MercadoLibre: the booming Latin American business giant

-Latin Americanbusiness giant: MercadoLibre $MELI+1.6% is a Latin American business giant, often compared to the "Amazon of Latin America", but it offers much more. In addition to its trading sites, it also has a thriving fintech wing.

-Strong growth:$MELI+1.6% has long shown strong growth, including in the first quarter of this year. Revenues were up 36%, but even 94% after accounting for currency effects. In particular, trading revenues were up 113% on a currency-neutral basis and fintech revenues were up 74%.

- Rising profitability: The net profit margin rose from 6.3% last year to 7.9% this year, indicating not only revenue growth but also improving business efficiency.

-No premium price: despite the company's success, its stock is not at an exorbitant price. As a result ,$MELI+1.6% can afford to expand into the fast-growing Latin American geography, making it an attractive stock for long-term investors.

MercadoLibre is an example of a company that is taking advantage of Latin America's growing digital economy and offers an investment opportunity with long-term growth potential.

$1,651.69 $26.54 +1.63%
Fair Price: $5,990.54
Meqfwvws: 46.14%
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