Shares of $DUOL+3.0% are up less than 9% today. I was very interested in Duolingo a while ago, but its stock still hasn't gotten to a price I want to buy at.

Do you have shares of $DUOL+3.0% in your portfolio and if so, at what price are you overbought?

$173.28 $4.97 +2.95%

I don't understand why AI should threaten teaching programs? Are we going to become more and more slaves to some "smart" technology and not learn anything?

I'm in no hurry to buy here. The company is just getting into some more interesting momentum and AI will support that a lot. It takes time and follow up for me.

Their product is interesting, but it seems to me that their stock is just very expensive. They're not making much money yet. They do have subscriptions, but they need to push it more.

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