Adobe shares fall after weaker outlook on monetization of AI tools

Shares of Adobe fell today after its outlook for the coming quarter failed to reassure investors hoping for quick financial results from newly introduced artificial intelligence tools. Although Adobe has been integrating AI into its core products such as Photoshop and Illustrator in recent months, investors are getting impatient and expecting faster monetization of these innovations. Meanwhile, there is increasing pressure from competitors, especially startups and companies like Canva and Salesforce, which are also betting on AI.

Adobe has long been known for its software tools. Recently, the company has invested heavily in developing and deploying AI technologies, such as Firefly, which are now part of well-known applications such as Photoshop and Illustrator. This innovation promises to significantly increase user productivity, which should lead to revenue growth. Yet these AI tools have so far failed to prove that they can generate the expected revenue, causing nervousness among investors.



$522.30 -$4.14 -0.79%

The outlook for the fiscal fourth quarter that Adobe released was seen as a disappointment. The company expects its revenue to reach $5.55 billion, lower than the $5.6 billion estimated by analysts. Similarly, a key indicator of creative software revenue growth - new annual recurring revenue from digital media - is expected to reach $550 million, again below market expectations ($561.1 million). The figures triggered a drop in Adobe shares, which fell 8% in pre-market trading.

Despite the growing tensions, the company's management is trying to remain optimistic. David Wadhwani, head of the digital division, said in a call with analysts that Adobe's primary focus is on getting customers to start actively using AI tools. He added that monetization of these features will follow in later phases. In addition, Adobe is working on developing similar AI tools for its 3D and video-editing programs, which should bring new growth opportunities for the company in the future.

Adobe's CEO, Shantanu Narayen, also pointed to the growing importance of new content types such as videos, where Adobe expects to be able to better leverage its tools. However, analysts such as Wells Fargo's Michael Turrin warned that investors were already expecting stronger results in the second half of the fiscal year, especially after the introduction of AI technology.

One of the few pieces of positive news for Adobe was that its document processing software, Document Cloud, beat expectations. In the third fiscal quarter, the product added $163 million in new annual recurring revenue, above the $132 million forecast. In addition, Wadhwani highlighted a 70% increase in the use of AI within Document Cloud. However, the fact that this product exceeded expectations more than AI tools for creative software, such as photo and video editing products, may further reinforce investor concerns.

However, there are concerns in the market that rival startups and smaller companies may start taking customers away from traditional giants like Adobe. For example, Australian firm Canva, which is seen as the biggest threat to Adobe, recently raised prices for its enterprise users, citing new AI features as the reason. This move shows how competition in AI technology is growing and how startups are trying to leverage this technology to gain market share.


Adobe's stock decline reflects the frustration of investors who are waiting for AI to translate into real financial results. Although the company has taken steps to integrate AI into its products, it is not yet clear how quickly and effectively it can monetize this innovation. In addition, competition from startups like Canva is increasing pressure on Adobe to accelerate its AI strategy.

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