Nio $NIO+3.7% goes to the fusion!

Chinese electric vehicle manufacturer Nio has invested in Neo Fusion, a company developing fusion technology.

Neo Fusion is to research and develop technologies aimed at bringing controlled fusion to commercial use worldwide within two decades.



$4.43 $0.16 +3.75%
Capital Structure
Market Cap
Enterpr. Val.

Financial data in the company's registration filing shows that the fusion company has a capital of CNY5 billion (USD723.37 million) and is 50% controlled by China's eastern Anhui province, a government-owned energy company.

Nio invested CNY995 million for a 19.9% stake, while Nio Capital, an investment company founded by Nio CEO William Li, invested CNY505 million for a 10.1% stake.

Thanks for the report, I don't have shares, but it's certainly interesting and I sincerely hope the plan works out.

I don't own the stock, but I'm rooting for them and hope the development of this technology goes quickly. It's still a very controversial topic among people (probably because of the word nuclear), but for me it's a fine way to go :)

Wow, that's cool! I escaped from China, but this, nuclear fusion for such a use. We'll be going to the gas station for nuclear. Well, if I live to see it, it's gonna be a very different world. 😁

Interesting news, I really wasn't expecting this. I think if this goes well we'll all have it at home 😀

Well, that's very interesting. Cars on small nuclear reactors like submarines? OK...

In a couple of decades it will be the Chinese version of the Tata group? :D

Wow, interesting news, I wouldn't expect that from NIO :D

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