"There's no interest in those electric cars, rebates won't help them, it's a dying company."

My base case scenario for the rest of the year and $NIO+12.8%: Rebates will help boost supply again, which will start to positively impact the company's profits (I'm not counting on profitability yet this year). The target price, in a positive scenario, could be $15 per share by year-end in my opinion, with more experienced investors even mentioning $20, but I'll be a little more down to earth.

Of course this is not an investment recommendation, it is just my own opinion which may not come true.

20$ would be really nice... then next year could be quite interesting :)

If it hits 20, you guys are pretty much masters

If it gets there, I'll really tip my hat, but I'm not investing here😊

The Nio looks good and since China can copy manufacturing processes perfectly, production will be fast thanks to the Gigapresses (like Tesla).

See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndgf98G1jMY

If their sales really improve with this move and the economy favors them, then why not. $15 is not a stretch.

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