Investors, what % of your portfolio is currently cash?
I have recently bought a few stocks again and so cash is currently only about 10% of my portfolio, but I don't plan to buy much now so I hope to accumulate enough cash again.
Investors, what % of your portfolio is currently cash?
I have recently bought a few stocks again and so cash is currently only about 10% of my portfolio, but I don't plan to buy much now so I hope to accumulate enough cash again.
I always have a cash reserve for about half a year of expenses and outside of about 25% of my portfolio I now have in cash. Respectively, saved so that including the cash reserve, interest was at least 6.25%p.a. and access was within 14days max
About 70%, but some of that is financial reserve.
I use a credit card so zero, I don't hold any cash, only investments. I invest both regularly and as soon as I can. I don't try to time the market anymore so I don't need to hold cash for that at all. However, I do consider "cash" to be stocks with a timing test that are in the black. So if I need more cash a "fuck off fund" is available in a matter of days. That suits me just fine.