1. Superapplication Kaspi $KSPI.L-1.5%:

- Combines elements of Amazon, PayPal, Affirm and WeChat.

- Founded in Kazakhstan in 2008.

- Provides a range of services from e-commerce and payments to fintech and banking functions.

2. IPO and Financial Data:

- IPO on Nasdaq with value 1 billion dollars.

- Company valuation of approx. 17.5 billion dollars.

- Growth of payments business and e-commerce.

- E-commerce marketplace with GMV growth of 50%.

3. Fintech Segment:

- Fintech segment offers loans and services to BNPL.

- The total volume of finance for fintech services grew by 41%.

4. Investment Opportunity:

- Fast growing company in attractive sectors.

- Attractive valuation compared to the average multiple S&P 500.

- Significant dividend yield (7%)

Would you consider investing in this growing Fintech company?

$43.35 -$0.64 -1.46%

Interesting tip, I like it when someone comes up with a company completely out of places where you probably don't normally look for stocks. 😊 I don't know the company of course. Where do you get these companies and then where do you trade them if applicable? 😊

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