$TSLA+2.1% One of the most loved and hated stocks among investors. Just a controversial piece. One group loves Musk and the other hates him. :D Are there any early investors who have made good money on Tesla or, conversely, lost money? Plus what do you think of the current price? The $TSLA+2.1% looks like pretty good money to me at the moment.

I've been meaning to hop on for years... and even though I try not to time the market, I'm not getting it right here and I'm still waiting for the "right" moment... which of course I haven't found yet :-D
Tesla still seems quite overvalued to me... I could see the price somewhere around $100-120 per share... then it would probably be the "right" time for me :)

I haven't had the stock in my portfolio yet. Maybe if the price drops lower, I would buy a little.

I've always missed the better price, unfortunately, but maybe sometime in the future.

I'd say the current price is decent. I think the new models, like the small one that is still in sight, could move the price up nicely.

I kind of regret not buying when the price went to a hundred.

As far as the future is concerned, just a reminder of tomorrow😂


For me, there is definitely a future and Tesla will have a market share, but it won't be anything too huge. The initial lead and enthusiasm they had was great, unfortunately other car companies quickly picked up on it and are now making electric cars similar to Tesla some even better. At today's price $TSLA+2.1% is still expensive for me, I'm waiting for a better price.

Unfortunately, I am not an early investor, and now probably not a future one either.😁

One of the early investors is probably myself a foundation I invested in four years ago and sold when it met the time test having earned over 1000% I hold on to roughly 30% of the original investment. I think I look at Tesla pretty objectively. See my posts 😁

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