S&P 500 ^GSPC 5,048.42 -0.46%
Meta META $441.38 -10.56%
Tesla TSLA $170.18 +4.97%
Nvidia NVDA $826.32 +3.71%
Microsoft MSFT $399.04 -2.45%
Alphabet GOOG $157.95 -1.96%
Amazon AMZN $173.67 -1.65%
Apple AAPL $169.89 +0.51%

So far 0%, somehow I still haven't gotten around to it. 😁

However, I plan to buy $O+0.2%.

So for me it's the best company from Reit :)

It's not much. I have $MO+1.4% and $O+0.2%. I don't go into too much detail.

Great :)

Currently 7% and I have $MPW-0.2%, $O+0.2% I would like too but today's prices are too high.

High to buy maybe, but it's questionable whether it will be any significantly lower anytime soon

I find the whole market on a big wave of positivity. We'll see what happens.

Exactly 0%... not counting Booking :-D

And you're considering buying them?

Like this, this is probably too conservative a stock for me :) I'm considering buying a condo but stocks in this segment don't appeal to me.

Currently 0%, but I will definitely increase this percentage over time. Reits are a similar investment to ETFs, a safe bet for the long term.

Agreed, I just want to increase their percentage. Plus, I like that they're generating divi

Yeah, the diva is tempting.

Roughly 7%

Great :)

I reduced it from about 10% to 3% (sold positions $EPR+0.1% and $OHI+0.7%) but the rest($IRM-1.2% and $ABR-3.7% ) make me about 15% of all dividends. A lot of real estate is held by asset manager $BN-0.7%

Thanks a lot. Did you sell because of dissatisfaction with the companies or to collect profits and invest elsewhere?

Both companies are currently facing problems that may last for several years, so I closed the positions at a small loss and my money is making money elsewhere for now.

🤔🤔 That'll be like 15%

Can you share what reits you own?

Great shot:)I would like to expand my portfolio with $VICI+0.4% and $ABR-3.7%

I own shares of 2 REIT companies, O and GTY short.

And so far, satisfaction?