Which tech/growth stock do you think is most likely to change strategy and start paying out a divi now? You guys keep leaning on me for being an old man and looking at this too much, so I'd be happy to take your advice. Sometimes you have to cross over 😜

Considering that the dividend is the company's last resort for what to do with the money, I wouldn't expect that from a technology/growth company. They often have many better ways to handle the money.

I don't know what company could pay a better dividend over time, Apple is a nice example, but on the other hand I think it's nice that some just don't go that way on the dividend and rather invest it back for example and see more growth. Otherwise, I like what I see of you, I like what a "straromilec" you are 😂 and I would like to see your portfolio, because having 5k from dividends a year is already very nice. 👍 (even though I guess some dividend stocks are riskier)

It's hard to say, but I would guess that in a few years it could be $AAPL+0.2% and $GOOG-0.3%.

I don't dare guess. But as for a possible increase, I think the odds are $AAPL+0.2% for Apple.

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