S&P 500 ^GSPC 5,127.79 +1.26%
Apple AAPL $183.36 +5.97%
Nvidia NVDA $887.83 +3.46%
Meta META $452.05 +2.35%
Microsoft MSFT $406.66 +2.22%
Amazon AMZN $186.24 +0.82%
Tesla TSLA $181.14 +0.63%
Alphabet GOOG $169.01 +0.33%

Wonderful numbers this, how long did it take you to create a porfolio of that volume? :)

Well... from birth :D Business > Opportunity to invest. which is about 5 years :)

Great, I'll try to get to that stage too. :)

Great shift in one month. I already have this app too, but it shows me a smaller amount than you :D I'm currently at 3000 CZK a year ;)

But that's cool too :) As I wrote to others... it was rather exceptional. I didn't count on there being so much cashe :)

I would have a more personal question (which I think everyone wants to ask) and that is how big does the dividend portfolio have to be to generate $542 per month ?:)

approximately $122,117.63602? :)

I'm not too wise from that number? :-D

I'm not too wise from that number? :-D

Yes... all the necessary data is there 😁

Ok ok, I'll be lazy and do the math :)

The dividend will go down if there's a recession.

That's kind of expected 😂 But it doesn't bother me at all... it's enough for me to know that it works longterm

That's really cool! Where did you learn that?

You mean where did he learn to buy dividend stocks? :)

I mean all knowledge. Analysis, etc. If it's all online from books or lectures.

Gradually and all over the place. Whether I learned it well will be seen in about 15 years :)

I think it's partially visible now :)

And all alone? Internet and stuff?

Well, that's the bomb. I see it was 4,000 a month ago. So you're saying you're retiring next month? 😁

Well... no, it was a really special situation where a few things went well, so I accumulated quite a lot of cashe... the choice was clear 😇

Yeah, that was a bit of an exaggeration. Anyway, the snowball's gonna keep rolling in.