I would probably recommend $AAPL+0.1% and $CVS+4.1%. However, I don't think you can say it like this. Everyone likes something different and every investor should do their own analysis and calculate the intrinsic value of the stock. So if someone wanted to invest in stocks, I would start with bluechips stocks.

Like quite frankly... a beginning investor should start with the Academy, where in addition to actually learning how to invest properly in the first place, they can also find a list of dozens of companies and which ones are currently undervalued. These are the most popular companies to be found in the market. 😊

So that's a good question but I figured him that nothing. At most it's hard to say, if you want to know more the reputable sources are these.... The moron I once advised to buy a Tesla when it cost a few dollars still hates me to this day. Last time he accused me of not telling him enough důrazně🤷‍♂️ Well, you don't choose your family.

It would depend on how much he wants to pursue it 😁 If he wants to invest and not save, then sp500 and other indices. If he wants to commit to it, Disney,CVS, Cisco, American Tower.

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