People in the U.S. are starting to use streaming platforms more and more on TV and less and less on radio and cable. Time spent using streaming platforms on TVs is growing and currently accounts for 38.7% of total TV usage.

I currently hold shares of $GOOGL+0.7%, which provides the YouTube streaming platform, and then I also hold shares of $DIS+0.9%, which provides the Disney+ streaming platform.

What streaming platform stocks do you have in your portfolio?

Alternatively, you can vote in the poll which streaming platform you use the most.

Investment Disney, but we have Neflix :D but when I watch something it's mostly YouTube

YouTube is a staple for me, otherwise Netflix when time permits, but I haven't watched classic cable in a good 8 years :D

I use YouTube the most, but I've never seen their shows/exclusives, even though I pay premium. Of the remaining ones it would be Netflix, I like its offerings and UI the most. Investment-wise, I like $WBD+1.0% the most at current prices, but I'd like to include $DIS+0.9% as well.

Agreed, and looking here, Patrik writes that he doesn't have a TV at home either, so I'm glad I'm not the only "special" case. People in my neighborhood, work and even maybe every girlfriend are so surprised that I don't have a TV. Just today, I wonder why? ...First of all, I'm an active person and I'm often at home just to sleep somewhere when I'm not with my young 😁 (I'm not a freeloader, I contribute to the household) 😁 ...and secondly, paying for cable, watching the news and those home shows, a waste of time for me. I'm not saying you can't just scrap worthwhile content and sometimes you need something to unwind to, but even for that today the platforms you richly listed are enough, so why pay for cable. 👍 For me, YouTube is leading the way. And then bumping, by not having time, I don't pay for anything for like a year. But high five, a series based on Tolkien came on Prime, so I paid for a month, watched it, and quit. And that's how I use the other stuff sometimes. 😊

Hold on, cable TV will make up a smaller and smaller part of the pie over time and alternative ways of consuming content will gain momentum at its expense, after all, how many of you turned on one of our Czech TV stations tonight, or even last week? :)

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