Healthcare sector, one of the most popular sectors for investors, especially value investors. What are we going to think, health is the one thing we should protect most in our lives, and companies that are involved in this will profit from it perhaps indefinitely. Thanks to them, our society is able to live to a ripe old age. who are your favourites in this sector? For me, I can pick out $LLY-2.0% $JNJ+0.6% or maybe $ABBV+1.6%

I have $CVS+4.0% and $PFE+3.4% stocks in my portfolio and plan to look at $LLY-2.0%.

I think$CVS+4.0% is a great company. It has even dropped significantly in recent days and that may bring new investment opportunities. Among the others, I don't know the details.

In addition to $JNJ+0.6%, $ABBV+1.6% and $PFE+3.4%, $BMY+11.4% is also interesting from my point of view

I have this crazy... $BNGO+4.2%:) And $CVS+4.0% of course... :-D

CVS is even on sale :D

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