Investors, what was the very first stock you bought and why?

My first stock was $AAPL+0.2% and I bought it because Warren Buffett had it in his portfolio and it was being talked about as one of the best stocks. I mean, I didn't give it much thought. But then over time I found out that I was not wrong at all and what was said about this stock was true :D.

$DAL+1.5% and $AAPL+0.2%, because the covid was in full swing :)

Stock package, $AMZN+1.5%, $PYPL+1.9%, $CRSR+2.1%, $TTCF-24.8%, $NVDA+0.7%. Purely because I knew the companies except TTCF, it was on the recommendation of a friend... It didn't work out gloriously. 😁

For me it was also probably $AAPL+0.2% because I also use products from them and I like them, then other big tech followed. And then it wasn't until I started looking at companies more. Here as others write, it's not much to analyze extra, when there were downturns, they were clear buys where you can't make much of a mistake, I can't imagine what it would take to suddenly bankrupt these companies.

Cheez :) that's why it came out great. I was only thinking about Czech stocks at the time, so I guess that's why

For me, it was $AAPL+0.2% because it was one of the few stocks I had known for longer. Plus, I use their products.

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