🧠💹 Interesting companies that can grow this year on a wave of optimism with AI.

1️ Advanced Micro Devices $AMD: 🚀 Their chips are efficient and used almost everywhere - they're in popular consumer electronics, from Xbox to PlayStation 5but also in the latest Tesla electric cars. And now they're gearing up for an action-packed year with the new MI300 chip line , which is expected to bring in billions of dollars for the company. The new Ryzen 7000 chip supports AI in PCs, but also in laptops.



$139.99 $1.67 +1.21%

2️ Micron $MU: 💾 Global leader in memory (DRAM) and storage (NAND) chips, holds a key position in the semiconductor world. Its HBM3E memory chip for data centers is very efficient, strengthening the company's market position. With artificial intelligence as the new trend, Micron is poised to rule the memory and storage world.

$109.41 $1.96 +1.82%

What do you think of these semiconductor companies? Do you see a growth opportunity for semiconductor stocks in 2024 or have they already passed their growth milestone? 💰📈

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