Lucid Motors is about to unseat Tesla: Can Gravity threaten the king of electric cars?

Lucid Motors, a relatively young player in the electric vehicle field, is about to take the next step in its ambitious plan to expand its offerings. The company has high hopes for the upcoming Gravity, an SUV due to launch later this year. The company's CEO, Peter Rawlinson, believes that this particular model could significantly change Lucid Motors' market position and double their sales. But can Lucid really compete with a giant like Tesla?

Lucid Motors $LCID-0.8% has already gained recognition with its luxury sedan, the Lucid Air, but sales numbers have yet to meet expectations. The company sold 2,394 vehicles in the second quarter of this year, which is a solid result, but not enough to turn a profit. However, Rawlinson sees huge potential in the new Gravity and expects the market for this type of car to be up to six times larger than for the Lucid Air.

Production at the Arizona plant, which has a capacity of up to 90,000 cars a year, is ramping up to full speed, Rawlinson says. He plans to produce about 9,000 Lucid Air units this year, but expects a significant increase with the arrival of Gravity.

$3.61 -$0.03 -0.82%

Above all, Lucid is trying to differentiate itself with its technology. Rawlinson says his company is now technologically ahead of Teslaciting battery performance, software and powertrains as key areas where Lucid excels. According to Rawlinson, Lucid can get up to 5 miles per kilowatt-hour, a result that Tesla and most of its competitors can't currently offer.

This technological edge has been noticed by other automakers, such as Aston Martin, which has entered into an agreement to license technology from Lucid Motors. This is clear evidence that Lucid has something to offer not only to end customers, but to other automakers as well.

However, despite all these technological advantages, Lucid Motors is still not a profitable company, an area in which Tesla still dominates. Elon Musk, despite criticism for his side projects and controversial statements, has managed to make Tesla a financially stable company. So for Lucid, the key will be whether they can translate their technological advantages into real financial success, especially with the arrival of the Gravity model on the market.

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