I recently bought shares of $COINandtoday I'm already +13%on that position . The stock can already be expensive and it wasn't cheap at all for me when I bought it either. I will hold the stock now and wait to see how the price of $BTCUSD develops.
Do you have $COINstock in your portfolio andif so, do you plan to hold or sell?
Congratulations to everyone who took profit. I still made a beginner's mistake here and let my psyche get the better of me, I made my first purchase while the price was still falling from its highs. That was somewhere around $120 approx. Then I diluted a bit around the 60$ price ...well, because I was getting annoyed with how volatile it was and as you also discuss here, you can't take BTC equal to Coinbase again, plus as it was down, these crypto exchanges had problems too and you were afraid to get like the one that shut down the owner ...so as soon as the price got back to 0, I sold. Unfortunately, well, if I'd held today, I could have counted a nice profit like you. 😁 ...but that's one story too, that doesn't always work out.
$BTCUSD and its growth I think we have almost all registered, but what about the likes of $ETHUSD? What is your opinion on it and how do you feel about it ?
The$BTCUSD is going up nicely and slowly it looks like it could get to$100,000. I was buying $BTCUSD a few months ago for little money to make up a max of 10% of my portfolio. I'm currently holding but will not be overbought.
It's November here and I was wondering what stocks have you been buying over the last month? For me, the last month has been a bitcoin $BTCUSD reit change($O) and the addition of $TSLA in addition to the classic SNP 500 ETF. What interesting purchases did you make in October? :)
Today the markets are posting more green values, and it's been making me wonder for the last few days whether it's worth buying classic SNP etf in the current situation, or pouring a bit more money into $BTCUSD, which I find much more tempting at current prices. Plus, I fully trust Bitcoin in the long run. What's your opinion investors here? These days, BTC or SNP? :)
Depending on what your investment time horizon is, long term I would definitely reach for etfk, if you tolerate higher risk I wouldn't be afraid to enter a short term trade at the moment, although I'm not a fan of BTC.
Investors, have you ever fallen for FOMU yourself? "Fear of missing out. What investment was it and what caused it? :)
Personally, I felt the most FOMO on myself during the last BTC bullrun when I bought $BTCUSD for $53000. Fortunately it wasn't for a particularly high amount and in retrospect I think it gave me more than it took. Since then, FOMO has completely let me go and I... Read more
Given the tech stock prices, I've started looking more at dividend titles and "sure" stocks at fine prices to buy into, but what still seems like a pretty decent price to me is the $BTCUSD price, how do you see it, do you buy bitcoin in the current situation, or do you not trust this technology and keep your hands off? Thanks for your perspectives.
I am currently building a portfolio with stocks and ETFs, but I definitely plan to own part or all of the cryptocurrency in the future. If I had to make a decision now, I would buy some BTC and I'm still fine with the 25-30k.
I'll turn on Twitter and look who's back from the dead 😂
Robert Kiyosaki: The Great Fall is on the horizon. Fake money - so-called fiat currencies - will be the first to disappear. The BRICS meeting in South Africa on August 22 will put the nail in the coffin of fiat currencies... the fake money ones. Get some real gold, silver and Bitcoin $BTCUSD fast. Take care of yourselves.... Read more
Reports of major financial institutions venturing into Bitcoin have restored some market confidence, and triggered a rally. In the last couple of days, $BTCUSD price has experienced a 20% increase, peaking at $30,223.
How do you see it with Binance? Is it another FTX?
U.S. regulators on Monday sued Binance and its CEO Changpeng Zhao for allegedly operating a "network of fraud," adding pressure on the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange and sending $BTCUSD to its lowest level in nearly three months.
Do you own any Bitcoin ETFs or any stocks that are linked to BTC?($MSTR) I'm thinking about an ETF mainly for ease of access - I don't move in cryptocurrencies, so I don't even know where to buy well. But at the same time, I'm hesitant to own $BTCUSD itself for its merits.
I would normally buy BTC on the exchange. If you would invest a larger amount of money then definitely convert it to a hardware wallet. You can find how-to videos on YouTube.
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Congratulations to everyone who took profit. I still made a beginner's mistake here and let my psyche get the better of me, I made my first purchase while the price was still falling from its highs. That was somewhere around $120 approx. Then I diluted a bit around the 60$ price ...well, because I was getting annoyed with how volatile it was and as you also discuss here, you can't take BTC equal to Coinbase again, plus as it was down, these crypto exchanges had problems too and you were afraid to get like the one that shut down the owner ...so as soon as the price got back to 0, I sold. Unfortunately, well, if I'd held today, I could have counted a nice profit like you. 😁 ...but that's one story too, that doesn't always work out.